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Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 is used for detecting the trash can is filled with garbage level in percentage value. Here Ultrasonic Sensor is installed at the top of Trash Can and will measure the distance of garbage from the top of Trash can. Trash can is full of garbage the buzzer alert indicated and web page and LCd display update the message ?100%? filled, If the garbage level morethan the 75% then LED ON and indicator sign in thing speak also . Here we have set the offset value of 3cm + Bin height 30 cm for garbage level 100 percent. ESP8266 12E V1 module Wi-Fi module for connecting  to the Local webserver to demonstrate the working of this Garbage Monitoring System and also thingspeak server.

Iot Cloud Based Garbage Waste Monitoring (Webserver & Thingspeak)

SKU: I01
12,500.00₹ Regular Price
5,900.00₹Sale Price
  • Project kit : 1 No , CD/DVD: 1 No The CD/DVD contains a supportive documents like datasheet, Project Kit Demo video. Circuit diagram,  Code explanation for the Project.

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